
Showing posts from October, 2023

Sound analysis

    1) Find a film clip on YouTube that uses sound in an interesting way. Analyse the use of sound, making sure you use the key language we have learned about sound in film: Diegetic and non-diegetic sound Parallel and contrapuntal sound Sound bridges Remember to discuss/analyse all the different types of sound present in the clip: Music Dialogue Voiceover Sound effects Final scene  of Dr Strangelove As the ending scene of Dr Strangelove starts we as audience are hit with dialogue  which is an example of diegetic sound. Their words constantly echo the room as they have a whole speech about going back and forth between 'non-monogamous relationships' and trying propagate as well as ideas to become the strongest group after a nuclear war.  There are a few sound effects presents where Dr Strangelove continuously attacks his wheels chair or when he abruptly starts biting his arm in a violent way to expre...

Sound video feedback and learner response

1) Type up your feedback from your teacher. -The opening is superb-edited tot he beat, clearly works as parallel and a good selection of clips. -I'm not sure on the contrapuntal section-elements of the romance works but others are perhaps a little parallel in place? Perhaps another where it is a different  track to really find contrapuntal images? Videos. -overall a good production with some very nice editing  touches. 2) Type up your feedback from fellow students - you can summarise key points if several students give you similar feedback. WWW:  -Amazing editing and quality, opening smooth -Great face pace action scene and romance scenes. -very good editing -music fits well -sound worked well - parallel  and contrapuntal very clear -good choice in song -syncs to the clip EBI: -could have used variety of clips -last scene felt like  parallel -too much k dramas? 3) Now  reflect  on your work and write your own evaluation of your video. Write a 'What wen...

Sound notes and practical task


Blog feedback and learner response

  WWW: You were a brilliant Media student at GCSE and I’m delighted to see nothing has changed at A Level! This is such a great start – your blog is fully up to date and your blog posts  are detailed and thoughtful. I really like your choice of still image and clips for the mise-en-scene analysis task and you pick out interesting relevant details throughout. For your learner response, you’ve clearly reflected on the feedback you’ve been given and also summarised the importance of mise-en-scene very well. Keep up the good work! EBI: It’s difficult to find much to criticise so far but I think your analysis of the film posters could have offered a little more detail. Although it’s a basic introductory task here, your ability to analyse media texts (particularly unseen texts like these film posters) will be crucial for the 70% exam section of the course. Reflect on your first month of Film & TV Language. What aspect of Film & TV language have you most enjoyed studying? W...

Lighting blog tasks

  1) Still image analysis Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for  each  image: Identify examples of  high  and  low-key  lighting. Say which depict  top ,  back  or  under lighting . What  effects  are created by the lighting in each image?      Image 1:  This image shows a female with low key lighting and is includes both back and top lighting. This creates dramatic shadows across her face and is able to reveal the smoke released from her cigar. This lighting also covers the location reinforcing genre of mystery and crime. Image 2: This is low key with top lighting. This can suggest how the blackness is taking over as her facial features are the only part lit up. This can also show genre of noir from the female. Image 3: This image can be a mix of high and low key as there is ...

Mise-en-scene recreation: Learner response

  1) Type up your feedback from your teacher in full. There is a lot to credit in this recreation – the pace of the conversation is edited very nicely (not an easy skill). Obviously using the original audio from the clip (voiceover) makes that easier and it’s an important lesson for coursework because for the real coursework everything you use (aside from music) has to be 100% original. I’ll let this pass on this occasion though! The performance of the actor is an important part of mise-en-scene and you’ve got some very good moments here in terms of expression or body language that mimics the original scene. In terms of setting, it’s not ideal (doesn’t really feel like a home/kitchen) but in the circumstance of filming in school you’ve done well to use the location you’ve chosen. However, it still works as a useful reminder that the best Media production work tends to be filmed off-site. Finally, there is one moment where the audio and video is out of sync which is important to not...