Lighting blog tasks

 1) Still image analysis

Look at the still images on slides 33-37 of the Film Language Powerpoint linked above. Copy the images into your blog and answer the following questions for each image:
  1. Identify examples of high and low-key lighting.
  2. Say which depict topback or under lighting.
  3. What effects are created by the lighting in each image?     

Image 1:  This image shows a female with low key lighting and is includes both back and top lighting. This creates dramatic shadows across her face and is able to reveal the smoke released from her cigar. This lighting also covers the location reinforcing genre of mystery and crime.

Image 2: This is low key with top lighting. This can suggest how the blackness is taking over as her facial features are the only part lit up. This can also show genre of noir from the female.

Image 3: This image can be a mix of high and low key as there is a contrast on his face while there is soft lighting surrounding him to show how he is outdoors. There is back and filler lighting making the image clear.

Image 4: This image shows a man with low key lighting with both top and back lighting to conceal his figure. This suggest noir and mystery while some of the filler lights reveal background details and rain.

Image 5: This image is of a women looking behind with high lighting with all back, top and filler lighting. This makes shadows appear on her back to reinforce the idea of someone approaching.

Image 6: This is of two people kissing with high key lighting and back, top lighting. This gives it a secretive and romantic setting as if hiding from others.

Image 7: This is a group with back and low key lighting. This hard lighting and high contrast covers the boys figures and creates sharp shadows.

Image 8: This image is of another women with low key, back and top lighting. The strong contrast of dark and light shows how she is hiding. The light directly on her face shows how frightened she feels after being found.

Image 9: This image is of a women praying above with high key and top lighting. The soft lighting and bright image can suggest her faith and pure mind as she is religiously praying to her God.

Image 10: This image is dark and shows low key lighting with bac lighting. This shows a mans figure and he is about to descend a pair of stairs. This reinforces mystery and suspense.

Image 11: This image is of a couple in high key lighting with bottom lighting. This shows how they are alone in a secluded place enjoying a romantic moment .

2) Film noir research 

Research film noir - focusing on the genre’s distinctive lighting style. Make notes on the genre and particularly the use of lighting - bullet points are fine. 

Film noir emerged as a distinctive cinematic style during the 1940s and 1950s, characterized by its dark and gritty detective narratives. This genre is renowned for its creative use of limited budgets to achieve captivating visual effects, particularly through innovative lighting techniques. It has left an enduring impact on American filmmaking, introducing iconic elements and storytelling conventions that continue to inspire contemporary filmmakers. It uses a lot of low key lighting to highlight the strong contrast between black and white. It uses back and top lighting to establish a distorted effect and a lot of silhouette.

3) Film noir YouTube clip analysis 

Finally, find a YouTube clip that fits the film noir genre and embed it under your research (the clip can be classic noir from the 1950s or something more recent - neo-noir). How does the clip's lighting fit the film noir genre? 

This is a clip from the movie 'He walked by night' created in 1948. This clip includes a lot of low key lighting to show how its dark and mysterious narrative. It also includes a lot of top and bottom lighting avoiding filler lights to keep the feeling of an unilluminated scene. Film noir typically focuses mostly on a detective narrative which is associated with crime and storytelling. The film 'he walked at night' reinforces this genre as the narrator introduces the audience to the case of a killer.


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