Blog feedback and learner response

 WWW: You were a brilliant Media student at GCSE and I’m delighted to see nothing has changed at A Level! This is such a great start – your blog is fully up to date and your blog posts are detailed and thoughtful. I really like your choice of still image and clips for the mise-en-scene analysis task and you pick out interesting relevant details throughout. For your learner response, you’ve clearly reflected on the feedback you’ve been given and also summarised the importance of mise-en-scene very well. Keep up the good work!

EBI: It’s difficult to find much to criticise so far but I think your analysis of the film posters could have offered a little more detail. Although it’s a basic introductory task here, your ability to analyse media texts (particularly unseen texts like these film posters) will be crucial for the 70% exam section of the course.

Reflect on your first month of Film & TV Language. What aspect of Film & TV language have you most enjoyed studying? What is your strongest piece of work so far? What is your weakest? What specific skills or knowledge do you need to develop before we start coursework at the end of Year 12?

During my first month of film and language i mostly enjoyed the recreation practical task where I filmed the first 60 seconds of Scream 1996 myself. I particularly enjoyed the aspect of focusing on detail while using mise-en-scene to help us. My strongest piece so far would be the mise-en-scene movie analysis as I was able to closely study movies and still images of my choice. My weakest piece would have been the lighting blog task as I found it a bit difficult to see how different lighting would communicate different meanings. I believe that I need to focus on my media terminology and be able to use it during my analytical tasks and exams.  I want to be able to naturally understand meaning portrayed by producers and the intentions made before the end of y12.


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