Ignite presentation learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each of the categories. 

Research: 5

Music video/magazine concept: 5

Language terminology and theory: 4

Representation: 4

Audience and industry: 5

Delivery: 4

Total: 27/30

  • Volunteered to go first-brilliant
  • Good juxtaposition of mainstream genre/artist
  • Clear good research into artists, videos, colours
  • Nice idea for music magazine too
  • Delivery quite quick but this is due to having lots to say!
  • Mise-en-scene addressed in detail across multiple slides
  • Camerawork quite brief but editing a real strength
  • Some great ideas in terms of representation and stereotyping- I like the point of gene
  • Brilliant evidence of planning-e.g annotated lyrics
  • Audience addressed across multiple slides-pleasures a particular strength
  • Excellent industry research (record company, similar magazine, publisher etc.) and also you researched into similar artists as part of audience will help here
  • Impressive, comprehensive presentation that is clearly brilliantly researched and rehearsed
  • Good Q on TikTok element, excellent detailed response
  • Nice question on genre answered well
  • Confidant discussing ides throughout

2) Use this feedback, comments from peers and your own reflection on your presentation to self-assess and write your own detailed WWW and EBI for your coursework concept and presentation as a whole.

WWW: I believe i did my research really well where i was able to get all the information i needed . I found my concept of imagination vs reality to be quite unique which helped with forming the whole presentation

EBI: I do think i spoke fast when presenting although i was trying to match the past of the 15 seconds. I want to make my information a bit more clear as some people didn't understand the concept.

3) Write a paragraph discussing how your presentation will lead into your actual coursework production. Do you need to update your statement of intent? Does your concept offer enough clarity? Is it appropriate for the audience specified in the brief? Is it achievable to film with the resources you have available? Can you add media terminology or theory to your statement of intent now you have reflected on your presentation and seen others? 

My presentation planned my coursework as a whole where my statement of intent included all the information presented to the class. I do want to build on it by addressing the questions i got asked about the genre being unclear and even using the trend in my production. My concept initially is a bit confusing but hopefully i can show it through the music video. I believe i have met the brief of two locations, a shoe sponsorship and a few more points when it comes to the music video. For the magazine, i do need to work on it when it comes to its content or what pictures i want to take. I tried making both magazine and music video achievable to shoot with the given space and accessibility i have when it come to different propp's. When it comes to media terminology and theories, I have included them in presentation and statement however, after looking at other peoples work i do intent to add a few more and maybe explore the ones i have already picked out in more detail. 


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