Statement of Intent feedback and learner response

 Mark: 6

Grade: C

Comments for AQA:

  • This is a clear statement of intent that comprehensively covers the key concepts of media and uses theory and terminology extensively although without quite the depth or insight for level 4 or 5 in the mark scheme. There is a good concept here that matches the music video / music magazine brief but without being entirely clear in terms of narrative or content. It does target the specified audience appropriately.
  • Media language elements are discussed but without specific description or detail which holds this back from the top levels. It is not clear exactly what the three-minute video will include in terms of narrative. Performance element is mentioned but not explained or expanded on. 
  • Representation and stereotyping is mentioned in places with some interesting ideas but not quite the depth or discussion for top level. Further application of theory and discussion of the stereotypes mentioned could push this towards the top levels.
  • Audience is addressed with audience demographics, pleasures and theories addressed. Theories section interesting but again perhaps lacking a little explanation for top level.
  • Digital convergence is touched on briefly in two places but could offer a little more in terms of consumption and digital technology. Print element of brief is mentioned but lacking specific details for the top level.


  • This is not far from the top levels and just needs a few extra elements for a 7-10 mark.
  • One minor thing – have a look at few typos in places (e.g. in audience pleasures) for the final draft.
  • There is loads to credit here but one element to address here is making sure the productions are clear from the statement. I’m not sure I could say confidently what your actual three minute video will contain or what your print magazine will look like or feature. For example, the narrative of the video isn’t entirely clear and while you mention a performance element at one point I’m not sure how this will be integrated into the narrative (or will it cross-cut between them?)
  • In terms of media language, I’m not sure you are getting to connotations/deeper meanings you intend to communicate to the audience. The key element of statements of intent is ‘how’ or ‘why’. What are you trying to communicate to the audience? You mention shots but don’t say what the shot will be of which is holding you back. Be specific about the ‘certain objects or images’.
  • Representation is addressed in several places but quite briefly each time. I’d like to see a more detailed section where you discuss the representations you want to construct and then bring in a theory or two that is relevant.
  • Print brief is lacking detail but that is to be expected at this stage – we can go back to this in January to add specific details when you have done the print research and planning tasks.
  • Industries and digital convergence is covered briefly in two places but this is a weaker element so I’d recommend looking at this again. Perhaps return to it when you have more detail for the print brief and then you can discuss links/consumption between the two products.

-Re organise the sections
-explain in more detail on how I will do one shots so that it becomes more clearer to the audience
-Focus on representation especially stereotypes and theories to explain my meaning
-Write about magazine as that section was left blank
-Again re organise the industry bit 
-make my narrative clear as it seems confusing as to what i intent to convey

Re-draft your statement of intent using Microsoft Word / Google Docs – you may wish to do this after Christmas when we have completed research and planning for the print element of the brief.


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