TV assessment learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full (you don't need to write the mark and grade if you want to keep this confidential).

www- Q1 is excellent: top level and not far off full marks ( not an easy question either!) The challenge now is to match that level in the longer essay question.

EBI- Question focus is the key issue in Q2. You have lots of historical context but say how the CSPs represent these events and whether it constructs an ideological position. See the exemplar answer for more on this.

2) Read the whole mark scheme for this assessment carefully. Identify at least one potential point that you missed out on for each question in the assessment (even if you got full marks for the question).

Q1- I should have included how the poster is an excellent example of bricolage: the juxtaposing of old and new texts,
images, ideas and narratives to create new meanings.

Q2- In capital there is seen to be a negative representations of the lives and values of those associated with finance and the city can be read ideologically though this is complicated by individual character

3) The first question demanded a response using postmodern terminology. Write a definition here of the three main terms:

Bricolage: A juxtaposition of old and new texts
Pastiche: Media products that imitate the style of another text
Intertextuality: Media product that references another product

4) Read this exemplar answer for the 25-mark question in the assessment. Select a quote from the essay for each of the following aspects from the mark scheme:
a) analysis of the products that focuses on contexts and ideological positioning

The Daily Mail heavily criticised Capital for featuring ‘more left wing causes than a Jeremy Corbyn’s diary’ it could be argued that the focus on house prices and hard work actually reinforces dominant hegemonic ideologies most closely associated with right-wing capitalist values. 

b) use of media theory

Applying Gramsci’s theory of hegemony, this is unconsciously communicating to audiences the value in working hard, earning money and contributing to consumerism and capitalism - maintaining the status quo and reinforcing more right-wing ideology.

c) a judgement or conclusion on the question

In conclusion, it is impossible to ignore the ideological positions constructed by television dramas and Capital and D83 are no exception to this. However, it could be argued that different audiences can read these fictional genres in different ways depending on their own perspectives and therefore social, cultural and political contexts are not the only aspect to this process.

d) examples from the TV CSPs

In Deutschland 83 (D83), the historical drama / spy thriller genre...

e) use of media terminology 

reinforced through the construction of the narrative and key elements of mise-en-scene.

5) Based on this assessment, write three things you need to revise before the upcoming end of Year 12 exams.

-I need to revise media terminology
-how to link context to CSP studied
-Able to follow question by planning out clear structure also referencing back to original question.


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