Postcolonial theory
Wider reading on race and Old Town Road
Read this W Magazine deep dive on the Yeehaw agenda and answer the following questions:
1) What are the visual cues the article lists as linked to the western genre?
This included cowboy hats, cow prints, rhinestones, and fringed suede jackets.
2) How did the Yeehaw agenda come about?
There was a trend in September 2018 where black pop culture figures were seen wearing cowboy attire. It was named the "Yeehaw Agenda" by Bri Malandro
3) Why has it been suggested that the black cowboy has been 'erased from American culture'?
As any idea associated with America has been overly white erasing any existence of black cowboys.
4) How has the black cowboy aesthetic been reflected by the fashion industry?
There was a "Black Cowboy" exhibition that the studio museum in Harlem held as well a run way for Telfar in fall 2019 New York fashion.
5) Read the section on Lil Nas X and Old Town Road. What does it suggest about race and the country music community?
His song was able to hit Billboard charts but was removed for the claims of 'not embracing enough elements of today's country music'. There was a huge uproar across the internet where people stated how the charts revealed a problem with race in county music community.
6) What elements of the song and music video are suggested to be authentically country and western?
The singer Lil Nas X has a southern twang which reflects the twang in the voices of popular country musicians, the track incorporates a banjo, and the video backdrop appropriately matched the aesthetics associated with country music and even including Billy Ray Cyrus.
7) What genres of music does the article suggest have been shaped by black influences?
Black influences have shaped rock and roll, punk, riot grrrl, and electronic music.
8) In your opinion, what do you think has been the driving force behind the Yeehaw movement?
I believe that the Yehaw movement was introduced as sort of a revolution against all the racism and restrictions they had faced through societies traditional mindset on black people. Opening up an opportunity for black people to fight back and claim their rightful heritage/past can communicate how they want to bend the past representations to what they want.
Applying postcolonial theory to Old Town Road
Revise the postcolonial theories we have studied and apply them to the Old Town Road music video:
1) How does the Old Town Road music video both reinforce and challenge black stereotypes in the media?
It reinforces black stereotypes through the criminal aspect where black people were automatically seen as dangerous, this can be seen by the opening scene of Lil Nas riding away on a horse with a bag of money. The people chasing him are also black which an subvert this idea as they are persevered as the good guys fighting for justice. There is a sense of gang as well when it comes to black stereotypes by the horse race sense where bets are placed and accusing of cheating is made even though it was clearly impossible for a horse to beat a car. Comedy words and sounds were also made by Chris Rock to engage the audience which is seen by black people
2) How could you argue that the Old Town Road video challenges Gilroy's theory of double consciousness?
The music video is a able to challenge the Double Consciousness theory as most of the actors seen are black people who are all gathered collectively on a American picket fence house. This further suggests how there are no stereotypes placed on them as their representation is no longer through the eyes of white people. There is a sense of belonging.
3) How does Lil Nas X and Old Town Road provide an example of Hall's theory of race representations? Alternatively, you could argue against this if you prefer.
Old town road is able to provide examples of the Native through the first scene where Lil Nas X is portrayed as the criminal as he is seen running away with a bag of money on his horse. Another scene can be the horse race with the car where the other man claims that Lil Nas 'cheated' which can reflect race representation. There is also the clown and entertainer where Billy Ray Cyrus and Lil Nas held a performance to a group of people dancing. The start and the end shows Chris Rocks appearance as he makes humorous noises and jokes. However, you can argue that these don't show race representation as old town road is instead subverting all these stereotypes to move away from white country music.
4) Are there any examples of Alvarado's theory of black stereotypes in the Old Town Road video? Why/why not?
From the music video we can see Alvarado theory of black stereotypes through an exotic view by Lil Nas X's outfit when he emerges from the shop with a 'cowboy outfit' with lots of glitter and sequence. We can see from the costume that they are trying to glamourize the appeal to the singer making him stand out. The start of the whole video also shows a dangerous stereotype seen towards black people where he is seen being chased whilst holding a bag of money. From an audience perspective Lil Nas is seen as a criminal as he looks guilty of stealing money. Another stereotype is the humorous one where there is a inclusion of the celebrity of Chris Rock through his jokes and works to introduce and end old town road.
5) How does Lil Nas X provide a compelling case study for bell hooks's theory of intersectionality?
Bell Hooks theory of intersectionality can be applied by the race presented in the music video, we are introduced to a mix of coloured cowboys but then transported to only blacks in a American picket fence street which is unusual towards a white bingo session. There is a mix of race seen especially when it comes to the cowboy genre that is mostly seen as white male dominated. This can also link to gender where there is a mix to show equality especially with how Hooks argues that the convergence of sexism and racism meant that black women had the lowest status in American society. When it comes to sexuality we know context wise that Lil Nas had announced his sexuality after the release of the video on social media. In the video itself we as an audience can see how costume had already portrayed this through his own glamour side cowboy fit to Billy Ray Cyrus's own pink suit to reflect his mind.
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