Introduction to TV Drama

 Use our Media Factsheet archive on the M: drive Media Shared (M:\Resources\A Level\Media Factsheets) or on Google Drive here (you'll need your Greenford Google login) to find Media Factsheet #164 on Television Serial Drama

Read the whole of Factsheet and answer the following questions to show your comprehensive knowledge of the television drama genre:

1) What is serial television drama? Write your own definition.

A serial television drama is something that it tells a story, and a narrative resolution, in a number of parts over a
period of time. Usually novels are recreated or serialised into television broadcast over a number of episodes.

2) List five of the TV dramas discussed in the history of the genre on page 1 of the factsheet. How has the genre evolved over time?

Doctor Who, The Avengers, Danger Man, The Sweetener and Minder.

3) List the sub-genres of TV drama featured in the factsheet. Come up with your own example of an existing TV drama to fit each category.

Police Procedural (crime)- My Name
Medical- Doctor Cha
Period (costume)- Mr Queen
Science-fiction/fantasy- All of Us Are Dead
Family- 18 Again
Teen- Extraordinary You

4) Why is setting so important for TV drama?

Serial dramas play out in a ‘precinct’ or communal location
inhabited by the ensemble cast of characters.  This allows the drama to develop over a long period of time,
weathering the comings and goings of the cast members by replacing one archetypal character with another.

5) How do TV dramas typically use character? What audience pleasures can be linked to character in TV drama? (Hint: Uses & Gratifications theory!)

There is more presence of strong females as well as black and ethnic minority characters. Increasingly, gay, lesbian and transsexual characters are also represented in television serial. Personal identity and relationship can be seen with characters as the audience are more likely to relate or have some emotional attachment to these characters.

6) What is a multi-strand narrative? Give an example of a TV drama that features a multi-strand narrative.

when a narrative has have two or more stories running concurrently in an episode, in addition to any serial beats. An example can be Downton Abby.

7) What is a cold opening?

A opening that to generate enigma or intrigue before the title sequence or first commercial break.

8) How can Todorov's theory of equilibrium be applied to TV drama serials?

The theory moves through the narrative stages often without the return to equilibrium at the end of each episode. 

9) What is the typical form for TV dramas and how are the programmes typically distributed to an audience?

Most of the drama serials in blocks of twenty-four one-hour episodes, effectively spanning half the calendar year. For commercial breaks the running time of a network drama is around 42 minutes, presenting more simplistic narratives that can weather frequent interruption.

10) How have subscription channels (such as HBO) and streaming services (such as Netflix and Amazon Prime) changed the form and content of TV dramas?

They are not not governed by the same considerations, and therefore their dramas allow for a lot more adult and challenging content. Also they often commission shorter runs (between six and thirteen episodes) and do not need to stick to rigid running times.

11) Choose a TV drama and do your own analysis of it using the SETTING / CHARACTERS / NARRATIVE / FORM headings as featured on page 3 of the factsheet.

Business Proposal:

SETTING- Seoul south Korean, one of the many offices.

CHARACTERS- follows the story of a girl who goes on blind dates instead of her rich befriend to chase away suitors, office workers.

NARRATIVE-Romance in the office, each episode focusing on coincidences and the rich privileges

FORM- distributor: Netflix   running time:1h 1minute (per episode)

12) How might the TV drama genre evolve in future?

In the future, many film actors are turning to television to play ‘difficult’, often morally ambiguous, characters in more complex and challenging narratives. They are aiming to makes bigger and more international content. As audiences consume content in different ways serial dramas may become more
diverse and targeted toward niche groups. There is a fear that the TV producers are moving away from making smaller scale content aimed primarily at domestic audiences.


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