Music Video introduction
This week's work requires Media Factsheet #69: Music Video . You'll need to log in to Google using your Greenford Google account to access this. Read the factsheet and answer the following 10 questions: 1) What is the purpose of a music video? The purpose of a music video is to sell products, especially the song/music featured in the video. 2) How has the digital age changed the production and distribution of music videos? The digital age has allowed audience to access the full product. The song was only available at specified times in places which were approved of by the record company. The new development of technology meant videos could be uploaded on sited like you tube and viewed on any device. 3) Which three major record labels are behind VEVO? What is VEVO and why was it created? Sony Music Entertainment, Universal Music, Group and Abu Dhabi Media are behind VEVO. It was created and launched as a music video ho...